The annual Christmas Masquerade hosted by UCLU German Society was, for the second time, held as a boat ball.
Plans were in place to hold another UCLU German Cultural Day on the Bloomsbury Campus with a new partner school. This meant creating a small informational pamphlet about the Society.
As part of the aim to increase our presence on social media, Adam Kousgaard and I decided to create an advent calender for the UCLU German Society Instagram, as an extension of the already existing Wort der Woche.
I hosted a radio show for Rare FM centring on the Year Abroad experience, and invited students that studied a wide-range of degrees, but primarily focused on the degree programmes that send the most students abroad: Modern Foreign Languages.
In its third year, I joined SELCS Society as the Vice-President and Year Abroad Officer, brining in not only a new branding style, but also a new range of small projects designed to help second-year students prepare for their Year Abroad.
N.B. The original logo designed used "wine red" as the colour for German; from July 2017, the colour used is purple.
UCLU German Society hosts annual pre-departure meetings, allowing new and existing students the chance to meet in a German-speaking city before they arrive in London for the start of the academic year.
The 2016 cities were Berlin, Cologne/Köln, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Munich/München and Stuttgart.